My parents were devout Catholics who took us to church every Sunday, and religion was a natural, easy part of our lives. It guided me, comforted me, fascinated me. Setting out the nativity scene at Christmas time was one of my favorites. I imagined Mary and Joseph on their journey, full of innocence and pride. I loved getting to place that tiny little baby in the manger, destined to change the world.
The meaning of Christmas began to change for me when it evolved into a month of obligatory spending money I didn’t have. I resisted as much as I could not to get myself into debt, but it wasn’t easy. Thankfully I didn’t have kids! I honestly don’t understand how families do it at all, (much less why, with means or not). It felt all about adult peer pressure I didn’t want to buy into. Being overseas, I don’t miss that aspect of the holiday at all.
But alas, all that changed when we moved away from the States. We didn't bring in a container to Costa Rica, so we had to give up most of our possessions. That was actually pretty easy to do, except for those ornaments. They ended up getting weeded down to the favorites, and put upstairs in my mother-in-law’s garage. I couldn’t let go.
Now that we’re in Ecuador, I’m still missing that dang box. Funny thing is, my friends and I were talking yesterday, and they’ve had to do the same thing and feel the same way. It’s like walking away from your favorite photos ~ it’s walking away from your history. There are very few things we miss, but those are the biggest. Thankfully this one’s a once-in a-year challenge, but a tough one all the same. I’d give anything to get that box down here!
The religious aspect of Christmas has eluded me for awhile now, too. I’ve been through the (probably not atypical) struggle of questioning my Catholicism, and worse yet, the concept of God itself. I won’t get into that here, but suffice it to say that there are times I long for the unequivocal faith I once had. I guess that’s what trying to intellectualize faith can do. But that’s my issue...

Hey, maybe deep down Christmas hasn’t changed as much for me as I think...