How lucky are WE? We get to look young longer, be young longer, and be playful longer. We get to turn those passive-sounding “golden years” into whatever we create them to be. Do you still feel like a vibrant, energetic kid? We do. That’s why we sold everything to live in Costa Rica. Now we’re in Cuenca, Ecuador. And no matter where we are ~ at home or abroad ~ everyone’s got their own adventures. Will you share yours? Let’s LIVE LIFE FULL-ON together!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


We’ve owned our Ecuadorian property for just about about a year now, and this was the first official week for the “construction kick-off”. The excavator is clearing way for the foundation, and Jeff’s gleefully running around on his new tractor. “We’re actually building a house in the Andes!” I say to myself.  Who would’ve thunk?

I love living in Cuenca. It’s just the right size for me, easy to navigate anywhere on foot, by taxi, bus, or car. It may be relatively small for some, but I love how it offers just about everything you need - from access to everyday necessities to great restaurants, to really cool cultural events. It’s pretty much all here for the taking if you choose to take advantage of it.

But alas, as I may have mentioned in earlier blogs, city life just doesn’t hold the same appeal for my husband Jeff. He loves Cuenca, too, but is just too physical a guy to be stuck in an apartment all day. The better part of the first year was fine with all the flurry of activity of settling in, but soon boredom snuck up on him. "I can only sit in front of the computer for so long," he'd say. "Let's get out of here and take a drive or something!"

Now of course, I’ll follow my husband just about anywhere. And yes,
too, enjoyed the drives, but personally I often felt like I’d walked away from “my things” - writing, working out, reading, and even cleaning the house (which believe it or not, I actually like to do!) I’m a “nester”, and I’m okay with keeping myself busy with every day things. But I could see his body itching, and I knew we needed more. He needs to wake up, get going, create and build. I need that too, but more so in my head. 

I have to admit, though, I’m excited to be going over to his side. Our new land is actually part of a larger farm - horses, deer and all. Jeff’s been designing the house, and to see it come to fruition on computer has admittedly been really amazing.

All my life, I’d always moved into already-built apartments or houses. Granted, I’d make them my own in terms of decorating, but now I know that isn’t the same. Jeff’s giving me carte blanche to get creative and choose all materials on the inside, as I did with him on the outside. Of course, we’ve both reserved the right to say “no way!” if we feel really strongly about something. We’re fully aware that house building can be a couple’s undoing, and nothing could ever be worth that for either of us.

So now that dear friends who have brought down a container with a few major items tough to get here like radiant heating supplies and a wood stove (yes, the nights can get chilly up there at 10,500 feet!) we’re vibrating with anticipation. I promise to keep you updated on our progress once in awhile. In the meantime, if you’re so inclined, wish us luck ~ we’re sure going to need it!


Idea Merchant said...

Well, good luck! :)

Trish said...

Muchas gracias, amiga!

Karen said...

your property looks amazing! Congratulations

Trish said...

Thanks, Karen. We're definitely very psyched. Once we really get going, we'll get you guys up to see it again. Can't wait!

Sarita Vinueza said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. My husband , kids, & I are traveling to Cuenca in a few weeks to see the house we had built. My wonderful in laws have been there to make sure it is all we wanted & more! When we last visited family there in 2011 it was just our property & now our forever home!