So many flavors, so little time. We spend most of our lives growing families, homes, and careers. There we go, forging ahead, and hopefully, savoring the ride along the way. Then when the day finally comes when it’s all over and you get to retire from it all, many of us ask, “NOW WHAT?
What a great opportunity. To play. Explore. Discover. Create and re~create yourself. Taste all those flavors of life you’ve yearned to. Maybe try Bon Bon, Bubble Gum, or even Grapenut. Okay, so not every taste will suit you. But at least the choices are finally yours, pressure-free.
BUT, you say. Why would I need to try anything other than my favorite chocolate chip? It tastes great and is oh, so comforting. Well, yes, you can do that, too.
Personally, the concept of chocolate-chip-forever has never suited me. "Mixing it up" every few years gives me a totally fresh take on things. And, better late than never, I met a man who is as passionate about living life as I am. So when we we took stock of who we wanted to be together, we realized that our current lifestyles simply no longer worked for us. We were living to work, paying for all the stuff that was supposed to fulfill us and never did. So that's when we stepped into the ice cream shoppe together. It was time to chuck the same-old, same-old for some brand-new and exciting flavor.
And that's when we decided to retire. Sold everything, married, and headed to Costa Rica two days later. Why not? Okay, so some of the world's flavors along the way haven't quite suited us. But at the very least they've still been interesting.
Did you ever in your life do that ~or even wanted to? Just trade in those favorite flavors of yours for something new? We'd love you to take a moment to tell us about it. Let's get this FANCY-FREE RETIREES conversation going!
Welcome to EC, you are the flavor that was missing!
What a sweet thing for you to say - and thanks for the very first comment! How fun will this be - especially with great new friends like you. Muchas gracias, amiga!
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